Travlaw’s Big Tent Event is fast becoming a core event in the travel calendar, with industry professionals meeting to network and discuss important industry topics and future developments. WHA had the privilege of once again sponsoring this excellent industry event.
Celebrating 10 years, The Big Tent Event 2017 drew its largest audience yet, where attendees enjoyed a lively panel debate moderated again by WHA’s Travel Chief Chris Photi.
This year’s panel hosted a wide range of industry backgrounds: Mark Tanzer, Chief Executive of ABTA; Andy Cohen, Head of ATOL at the CAA; Farina Azam, Head of the Commercial team at Travlaw; Debbie Marshall, Managing Director of The Silver Travel Advisor and other industry professionals answered quick fire questions and gave the audience much insight into a number of topical travel issues.

WHA’s Chris Photi moderating at The Big Tent Event
The theme this year was “does size matter”. Chris asked a number of questions relating to Brexit, the Package Travel Directive, Travel Regulation and the recent 2016 failure of Lowcostholidays.
Mark Tanzer referred to the role the internet plays for smaller businesses. Although it has obviously helped, he felt that internet search companies such as Google could do more to assist and promote smaller travel businesses.
In contrast, Andy Cohen spoke about how ATOL protection covers a company and protects its consumer regardless of its size. He explained that an ATOL holder inspires consumer confidence in travelling with lesser known companies and enabling new entrants into our highly competitive industry.
The panel debate was followed once again by canapes, drinks and some time for networking. Will next year be even better, we are sure it will be.

Drinks and canapes at The Big Tent Event